May 16, 2010

Posted by John

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Why MongoDB is Awesome

Yesterday, at DevNation Chicago, I presented on Why MongoDB is Awesome. Knowing that most of the people attending were unfamiliar with Mongo, it was more of an intro than an awesome, but it went well. The challenging thing for me for this presentation is whenever I showed any interactions with Mongo I used only the JavaScript shell.

Previously, I’ve used pretty much only the Ruby driver and only enough of it to make an API that makes sense to me in MongoMapper. This means that I was pretty much a dunce at the shell. No more, that is for sure. The great thing about speaking and teaching others is you learn a lot in the process.

The presentation was broken down into three parts, Easy to Try, Easy to Understand and Easy to Learn. Easy to Understand is the meaty section and has a lot of information on querying, indexing, aggregation and modeling relationships.

There were some good questions and I think more than a few people left ready to try the database that we love. If you are curious, I uploaded some pictures from the event to Flickr.

Also, don’t forget about the IdeaFoundry MongoDB training May 24-25th. It is going to be solid and you will regret not attending.

Labels: Events


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Authored by John Nunemaker (Noo-neh-maker), a web developer and programmer who has fallen deeply in love with Mongo. More about John.


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