April 20, 2010

Posted by John

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MongoDB Cookbook

There are several paperback books being worked on right now (MongoDB for Web Development and The Definitive Guide to MongoDB among them), but if you cannot wait, MongoDB just got a cookbook. The best part is that the cookbook is open source and resides on GitHub.

To add your own recipes or contribute in other ways, all you have to do is fork and fix. There are already recipes for Voting with Atomic Operators and Counting Tags using map/reduce. I hope I can find the time to contribute soon (maybe hierarchical data) and really look forward to seeing this idea grow.

Labels: Elsewhere


  1. wow Cool beans! I just bought the rough cut of Definitive Guide to MongoDB last night and was thinking about taking the ideafoundry class in may. Also it was cool seeing you at Grate Lakes Ruby Bash over the weekend!

  2. @Mike: You should totally do the idea foundry class. Kyle and I are going to teach some awesome stuff. :)

  3. So when can we buy your totally awesome MongoMapper Cookbook?-)

    A one-stop-shop for all of your great insights and best-practice recommendations…

    I still find myself getting hung up on things that I know should be simple, and rummaging through your assorted blogs/videos/code. (And keeping my own set of wiki notes.)

    (Maybe part of it is due to my not being grounded at all in ActiveRecord - jumped straight into a MongoMapper project :)

    Anyway, I appreciate your great service to the dev community!

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Authored by John Nunemaker (Noo-neh-maker), a web developer and programmer who has fallen deeply in love with Mongo. More about John.


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