September 02, 2010

Posted by John

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Links Integrated

In between posts that I write, I try to share links here to other cool articles around the web about MongoDB. The problem is that up until now I have felt like I needed to write a whole post about the link, which usually means it takes me longer to get the post up here.

In the interest of lowering the barrier of entry, I have added a link type. Links will be simple a title, url and short description. You probably have noticed a few come through already tonight. I hope this makes it easier for me to get you interesting information and that you find it useful. Also, if so desired, you can still comment on the links here with questions and opinions.

From now on, I will do my best to curate interesting links about MongoDB in a timely fashion and occasionally drop some of my own knowledge in more full posts. Now back to our regularly scheduled program…

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Authored by John Nunemaker (Noo-neh-maker), a web developer and programmer who has fallen deeply in love with Mongo. More about John.


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